Learning and Training- The Current Position
Learning and training services are in high demand as global talent shortages reached a 16-year-high. 78% of employers now report difficulty finding the talent they need.
There are a number of reasons as to why skilled staff are declining. In terms of recruiting teaching staff, it was 29% below target in the 22/23 academic year according to the report on Teacher Recruitment and Retention in England. There are multiple incentives in place, from the Department of Education, aimed at encouraging recruitment to initial teacher training- including bursaries and scholarships.
The pandemic positively affected the shortage. In a report by Benhenda, 2020, she states that ‘as a Public Sector job, teaching was relatively sheltered from the economic shock of the pandemic.’ More people are wanting stable Public Sector jobs, meaning more training services are required to teach them the skills they need.
A Department of Education spokesperson said: “We understand that teacher recruitment is challenging, which is why we have taken action to raise the profile of this important and prestigious profession.
For teacher trainees in 2023, bursaries worth up to £27,000 and scholarships worth up to £29,000 in key subjects such as chemistry, computing, mathematics, and physics are available. We also remain committed to raising the starting salary for teachers to £30,000 next year.”
UK unemployment has recently fallen to 3.5% – the lowest rate since 1974 – meaning that graduates in sought-after subjects have more attractive options.
How GovData Can Help
E-learning has become more prevalent since the pandemic, and not just in schools. Recently, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service completed an e-learning course about muirburn best practices. The course taught them how to uphold the highest of standards to protect the environment.
The course was provided to them through a Government framework. We’re currently working with reputable companies to award them onto the Learning and Training Services Framework so they too can provide invaluable training to Public Sector businesses.
There are over 30 services available to provide, from safety education to management-related services, so there’s something for every business. If you’d like to learn more about this lucrative framework, you can view our dedicated Learning and Training Services Framework page here.
£300 million is set aside for this important work, don’t miss out on this opportunity! To register your interest in applying for this framework, get in touch with us today at: [email protected] or call 01925 964704